Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Body Image Issues - Moi???

OK I am a little addicted to facebook, I admit it! I am a stay at home mum who hops around the computer daily in the sorry, sad hope that someone might have written to me or has some good gossip for me to tut over. What I don't like abt my facebook is that I have turned into one of those saddo mums who has to have their child in the profile picture. I no longer have my own identity - my identity is linked wholly and completely to my son. There is still hope for me, I draw the line at mums who put their baby's name on the answerphone message as soon as the baby is born. I'll go to phone a friend and am suddenly faced with listening to the overannoying "mum/kids presenter loud voice" of HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII you've reached Sally, Ben, Damien, Nova and Orca..WE CAN'T COME TO THE PHONE RIGHT NOW BUT.........BLAH, BLAH, slammed down. I even just got a mail from a friend who has listed all the family's names in the e-mail address - just stop it!! Yet I do hold my hands up and openly admit that for my facebook, profile picture I will find the damn cutest photo I can of the boy - with my head only just popping out the side of him. My reasoning isn't just overt pride, but more the fact that I like to hide behind him because I look so "mumsie". It is more - yeah I know I look like crap, but look at my boy - isn't he gorgeous - I made that!! or Yeah I know I look like crap, BUT I HAD A KID's not really because I eat cake all day and meals between meals.

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