Friday, February 11, 2011

Seventies Potty Training!!

Move over UnPc Mumma and check out UnPc Great Grandmumma. I have just heard the most amazing tale of how my husband was potty trained...and it is truly amazing. The result was immediate - just following this procedure apparently has your child potty trained immediately...yes that's right you heard IMMEDIATELY! Ok so listen closely .... are you ready? Throw away your pirate copy of potty training in 3days ...that is just for potty training slow coaches!

SO here you are...

1. Wait until your child poops in his pants/diaper.

2. Collect said poop using whichever tools you have available.

3. Wipe said poop (now this is the really important bit) onto childs cheeks, nose and, chin.

4. Then look child straight in the eye and repeat these words "you are a dirty boy".

5. Ta Da ...... all done!


Please do not try this at home here in the 21st century (I think this is even illegal with pets). The above was carried out by a certified old school unpc grandmumma, who was, lets face it, just a little bit batty.

Monday, January 31, 2011

For all my sleep deprived friends

....and those of us who remember all too well

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The mess is still driving me crazy!!

So today at my mother's group we had a speaker called Valerie Childs who is the serene, calm, reassuring voice and face of New Way Life and Health Coaching here on Vancouver Island. She spoke a little about the type of reading I have been doing regarding "mindfulness" - in order to reduce anxiety and stress in our lives. She asked us to focus on a problem we might be encountering at the moment and then to come up with some answers that might solve our problems. We were to recognise only the things that we could control in our lives and not to try and change the things that we infact have no control over. I.e to look inward not outwards!

So with this under my bulging belt I decided to make a start on the ever growing state of my house! Mess has followed me my whole life - I have always lived like a bit of a pig I'm afraid. It started with my own small bedroom when I was growing up - followed me to college (the cleaning ladies would hijack my room once a month as I would refuse to let them in due to complete shame), she then came a knocking at the door of my first flat with my husband and so on and so on. The problem with this way of living is that it really does affect my day to day and is beginning to affect my wee boy. I am forever being hit on the head by something or other when I open a cupboard, or spend far too many hours looking for the scissors I just put down in my studio or tripping, stepping, bumping into things that just should not be there. My wee boy is lucky enough to have a playroom, but since Christmas I haven't tidied in there and his floor was covered with all manner of broken and bashed toys as he surfed over the top to reach a new one. SO today I thought enough is enough - WE are going to tidy and you are not going to live like the pig that is your dear mother. SO we tidied and organised together whistling while we worked - and ta daaaaaaa - we had one clean, organised playroom and the boy can learn to play in his room without breaking an arm. See how he enjoys that clean floor........

So one room down and soooo much more to do.....