Monday, December 7, 2009

I just need to .....

Is it just us or does anyone else have the "I just need to" argument in their home. What happens is hubby will come home from work or have some unexpected time off - or a weekend free and I'll think - yippeeeeee - I should get a chance to finish off that sewing project, practise some printing, catch up on the housework ....but before I can sway into dream land of stuff that I might achieve I hear those fateful words.."I've just got to"! I've just got to build a fence, pop to Home Hardware, clear up the garage, wash the car, build another fence, organise the wood etc etc. It is hard to sound pissy when the poor guy isn't exactly off to the strip clubs or down the pub with his mates..everything he does we really do need..but suddenly there are all these chores he "just needs to" do and I'm again looking after monster (whom I love dearly), but also whom I do get to share an awful lot of time with already. I get slightly anxious when I hear that phrase because I then feel under this pressure to butt in with 3 things that I might need to do - I make them up on the spot ..."ummmm well errr ..I need to mop the floors, take the dog out and ummmm take back some library books"..just to feel like I have managed to corner a little time too! Anyway we had the "discussion" this evening about this issue and I think we both feel a little better - sometimes it is good to just vent when you are both feeling pressure from different sides. Hearing me whinge abt not getting enough time to start my sewing stuff actually made me get off my bum this evening and make something. I have found these rather cool looking fabric buckets - they are very easy to make and ideal Christmas gifts!

I'll post the pictures tomorrow of the ones I made once I have finished the second one (I know a whole set). The best thing abt being productive like this is I feel so much better abt stuff and it keeps me away from the rumballs and chocolate slabs wooly woman and I made on Sunday (I have eaten lots wooly are you being good?)!! Well time for bed now .."I just need to .......go to sleep" Ahhhhhhhhh!!

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