Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bandana Stockings!!

I am in the middle of finishing off Christmas Gifts, buying Christmas gifts and desperately trying to think of some Christmas Gifts (sorry hubby you are the latter!!). My sewing machine broke this evening and I am so proud of myself for managing to fix it!! I can finish off the last projects - maybe - I have in the meantime co-drunk a couple of bottles of plonk and probably shouldn't even be writing this! We have just finished watching 4 Christmases - which was so much better than I was expecting (I am always dubious of the Vince Vaugn) - hubby is now snuggled up with "The Hangover" which he has been dying to watch!!

I wanted to share with you a very cool find!! Bandanas!! There are craft stores with some very cool colours and I have just finished a christmas stocking for the little guys buddy!! It is finished with a camoflage contrast - what little man (or big man) would not want one of these! You can also see here the wide range of colours available and they are only 97c a piece - you need at least 2 pieces to make a stocking abt this size. I have plans to turn the other stash into some decorative flags - but they will have to wait until 2010.

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