I am a little frightened to think that my little boy could soon learn to talk. I am fine with the standard duck, up, doggie, mum, but at the moment my son will talk in rather agitated sentences and I have a sneaking suspicion that I am only being saved by the fact that he is, for the time being, quite incoherent. For example , when he hurts himself, or is frustrated by the topical item of the day that he is trying to destroy, I swear I can hear him exclaim "God Damn"! Now I know what you are thinking - but that is not an expression that either my husband or I would typically use (ours are far worse). My theory is that my child has already been in this world. I think that before life with us, he was in fact a cantakerous old guy who is still pee'd off at the way of the land and the youth of today. There are just some things that he will do automatically without seeming to have learnt them and this would also explain his apparent unhappiness during the first year of life "No, No not again..not again!!" This manifested itself today while we were walking home from taking the dog out. Child was in his stroller and he was ranting on very loudly - any passersby thought he was being truly adorable, vocalising his nonsense, but I'm sure if they knew that he was actually saying "and what the hell are you looking at, never seen a bloody baby before..keep your eyes on the road nosey cow..I'll give you something to look at" or something to that effect ....Oh my!! What am I to do!!
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