Monday, November 16, 2009

To Nan!

My Nan was not the warm sort!! She was pretty tight lipped, very catholic, never wore trousers, died her hair black, learnt to drive at 83, helped the "old" folks, wore court heels on steep cobble stone roads and was notorious for her lethal sherry trifle. She lived until she was 91 - the last year was painful to see and we were blessed that it was only a year. She lost her only child (my dad) and her husband within the space of a month in her seventies, but she still managed to do, believe and dream (more than I can say for us!). We were never close my nan and I. I wasn't the first grandchild and was too scruffy. We didn't argue or anything, but we didn't really talk abt anything either - she didn't understand my world and I didn't understand hers! I never thought she would die though - she was just so STRONG!! When we got the call from the hospital Nov 13th 2002 that Nan had died - I fell apart. She was the last tie to my family when we were all happy, when everyone was alive and we were "normal". My husband and I ended up living in my nans house for the year before we left for Canada and we slowly sorted and emptied the large 3 storey building for sale. It was the most consoling thing I have ever done - it really made me feel close to my childhood and all that I had bottled away under "too painful". From my share of the sale of that house I managed to put a deposit down on the house I now live in here in Canada and I also brought 4 special, special items. One large red pig piggy bank, one brass bell, one russian doll and one ceramic buddha. I never realised how grounding and special these simple items would be for me in this foreign country that I now live. It is so important for me to have those items in my home for me to remember who I am and where I came from. So yesterday when the little monkey and I were playing with the bell and the russian doll (no way is monster hands getting hold of the ceramic pig or, buddha) during a very wet, windy november day I felt so connected and filled with happiness. Nan you have had the biggest effect on me - it is so strange that I never realised your greatness while you were alive, but I feel you so strongly now and thank you for your life!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Uh Oh!!

I cannot believe how often my little man will use the turn of phrase UH OH!! He uses it in correct context - he drops something, irritating context - I drop something and complete misuse - he purposely pours his dinner over his head. UH OH, UH OH, UH OH, when I had dropped his snack while trying to pass it to him from the passenger seat of the car we had the UH OH song for a full 40 mins. Wouldn't it be great if we could use this wonderful turn of phrase in our little adult worlds: surgeons, paramedics, judges, prime ministers, politicians, news anchors, pilots, midwives, all facing the minor to major catastrophes head on and saying....UH OH!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Childs Play

Well yesterday was a gong show!! The little monster and I played this great new game called "how many things can I touch, bang, drag, bash, climb, break, turn on, turn off, thump, bend, eat, drink, put up my nose, wave dangerously in the air and scream about" (pls note the title is a working progress). It turns out that my little man is an absolute natural at this game and I suck!! We ended the days tournament with him waving the trophy fire poker exuberantly in the air, while I collapsed in my chair and sobbed like a baby (I have never been a good loser!). I honestly have no idea what was going on that day, but he managed to dig up so many highly dangerous items from thin air! I was so glad when hubby walked in when he did because the only thing we didn't have was the flame throwing finale I'm sure (hubby did not seem so relieved to come home at that point - you know men and crying!!) Anyway I had to question a friends mother today on telling signs of hyperactivity - obviously the man was behaving like an absolute angel - busy - yes, but without the tiny head of horns and wild red eyes that I saw the day before. I wonder how fine that line is btwn spirited and Ritalin.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crafty Cock up!!

Meet Mr Robot! This is my first attempt at cutting a block for fabric printing. The only problem was after all my hard work on a late Halloween night, the goblins and ghouls were working their evil magic!!

I decapitated him!!

This is (was) going to be used for a print for my little boy's new room. We have been renovating upstairs and finally moved up there last week. It is soooo beautiful and grown up - we have carpet and everything. The little monkey will lay down on the floor at odd moments with his head on the carpet and say "NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEE". I love hardwood floors, but there is something so very cosy abt carpet in the bedrooms! My plan is to make a little robot curtain, bedding set with a natural hemp/cotton fabric and red robots - I guess it is back to the drawing board for this sample, but I'll get there. I am so excited at the prospect of printing my own fabrics! I'll keep you posted - for my next craft cock up as that seems to be my learning curve!!

Coming soon Sergers .... how to break your needle plate the first day!!