Well it has been ages since I visited this site. It has been a busy time and I can't believe how much seems to have developed since I was writing this blog. It is so nice to see my entries of last year about starting to print and making the fabric buckets etc. I have spent this year concentrating on developing the block printing and have developed an etsy store called Wall Flags to test out my products and see if there is a future in this handmade business for me. I absolutely love it and definitely feel that I have built a nice balance for me with being a mum primarily, but managing to develop something for myself too to try and protect my sanity. The boy is doing amazingly (apart from today!) - his vocabulary is amazing and he still lives life at full pelt! Sleep is generally soooo much better, the bedtime routine now is short and I still do not take that for granted. I have to laugh because I was re-reading my Christmas entries of last year and yes - Wooly Woman and I did get together for our "traditional" wreath making night. We had a great time making them (umm thanks to the margaritas) - but they did turn out a little strange this year. I am growing to like mine - but I poor Wooly Woman can't even look at hers at the mo and even felt rather embarrassed when the courier man came to deliver some parcels. It did look funkier in the Country Living magazine - I have to say - judge for yourself, but we don't think we will be revisiting this idea next year. Poor WOoly Woman - she gets to choose next years I think!!